Local Impact


The west end is a neighborhood in downtown Butler. Broad Street Elementary School is located at the center. It is one of the many neighborhoods in downtown Butler that is often neglected.

The mission is simple. We aim to break strongholds of generational poverty in downtown Butler one neighborhood at a time. Our approach is to connect with families in the west end neighborhood and disciple them with a Kingdom mindset. Poverty cannot be broken without (1) a change in one’s own identity in Christ, (2) a break in generational strongholds by the power of the Holy Spirit and (3) a renewed mind.

Since the early summer of 2011, we connected with families in this neighborhood through block parties, cookouts and flood relief.  We even had city approved the closing of Broad Street for an entire afternoon on 3 different occasions to host our largest neighborhood block parties. On one occasion, we had over 100 families in the neighborhood attend.    

This year, 2022, will mark the 5th year anniversary of the flood that affected over 100 homes and families in the west end neighborhood.  This flood was the most damaging in over 100 years as it engulfed vehicles parked on the street, covered the entire Broad Street Elementary School playground and displaced families and destroyed homes.  By the favor of God, we were positioned in the right place at the perfect time. 

By God’s supernatural provision and the assistance of many local businesses and individuals, we provided truckloads of groceries, meals, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, clothes, small appliances and replaced 54 homes with washers and dryers.  We delivered pizzas to every home affected within 48 hours of the flood. The impact was so immediate and enormous even county officials and agencies referred families to us. More importantly, we were in position to reveal the power God’s miraculous healing and, in turn, lead individuals and families to Christ.

On a side note, we were on the front lines. During the aftermath of the flood, we walked the streets of the west end and entered over 100 homes in a 4 month period and not once did we find anyone receiving financial support from local United Way or county officials. We informed the local news outlets with no interest in reporting. To this day, we continue to challenge United Way of Butler County to give a list of homes in this neighborhood who received financial support from the local flood relief funds.


Freedom Fighters Ministries is a healing and deliverance ministry in Butler Pennsylvania led by founders Tom and Deborah Tincha. This husband and wife team have over 2 decades of inner healing and deliverance experience.

Everyone who come to the Lord from a life of sin are filled with brokenness, emotional scars, hurts and rejection. They are bound and imprisoned to many habits and thought patterns. Many are still full of anxiety, worry and depression. When we come to the Lord. our sin of rejecting Him is forgiven. But even when we are born again, there are still many areas in our lives, past and generational bloodlines that need to be broken and restored by the Holy Spirit. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, believers find greater breakthrough in relationship with Jesus.


Homeschool is an educational approach that allows parents to teach their children at home. Some children learn from their parents or extended families; others learn from private tutors. Homeschool families represent a growing demographic in our nation and also in our own community. There are over 9 million homeschool students in the United States and over 65,000 homeschool students in Pennsylvania. And the rise of parents choosing to homeschool their students continues to grow every year., especially with the influence of the schools adopting teachings of cancel culture and critical race theory.

In 2015, Butler Homeschool Network (BHN) was established with these families in mind.  We want to connect homeschool families to people and resources and to encourage fellowship and healthy life-giving relationships with one another.  We are not membership based or program driven.  We simply want to honor and protect homeschool families in our community, and we sensed the Lord placed this burden on our hearts.

As a family, we honor every teacher in our region. Many of these professionals possess a missionary heart for the next generation of leaders. It is also important that we celebrate the many educational options available to families in our community. Parents choose from these options for a variety of reasons. For some, certain options may serve best for their family’s schedules or place of residence.  For others, an alternative option may be necessary to give extra attention to a child with special needs.  We value these options and our teachers who make them possible. 

Evaluation of Portfolios

The requirements to homeschool vary from state to state. Some states have few or no requirements; other states are more restrictive. The state of Pennsyvlania is considered one of the two most restrictive states in the nation . In Pennsylvania, homeschool laws are separated into five categories:  (1) home education; (2) private tutor; (3) Church School; (4) Accreditated Boarding School; and (5) Religious Freedom Act.  The Church School category is a satelite or extention of a private school, whereas, the Accredited Boarding School is a satelite or extention of an accredited boarding school. The “Religious Freedom Act” does not appear to be a viable option since courts have ruled consistently for nearly two decades that this option does not apply to homeschool education. 

In Pennsyvlania, most homeschool students operate under either the (1) Home Education or (2) Private Tutor. While cyber school is often conducted in homes, it does not fall under homeschool laws within the state of Pennsylvania. Most families in the Butler area operate under the home education guidelines and require an evaluation of portfolios each year. As a ministry, we want to be a network of resources and connections which strengthens homeschool families in our community.  


Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania (CHAP) is a Christ-centered ministry that encourages and supports families interested in home education and provides resources and events to home educators and group leaders. CHAP assists parents in understanding and fulfilling the law’s requirements and is affiliated with two national groups, Home School Legal Defense Association and The National Center for Home Education.   Christian Homeschool Association of PA

Christian Home Educators of Ohio (CHEO) is a Christ-centered ministry of supporting, equipping and protecting families in the home education of their children. CHEO is a ministry that provides opportunities to inform and educate families through sponsored seminars and regional events in Ohio.    Christian Home Educators of OH

Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention is a multi-state conference that celebrates christian homeschool families and the commitment to disciple their children. The organizers of this convention are also officers of Worldwide Tentmakers, a mission agency focused on tentmaking as a mission strategy. Missions, discipleship, and parenting are the primary focus of the convention and also on teaching techniques and use of curriculum.   Teach Them Diligently