Global Impact


Our beloved friends Patrick and Ann Rattey are natives of South Africa and currently live in Pretoria. This husband and wife are leaders of Living for Jesus International of South Africa. They visited Butler for 3 weeks in the summer of 2015. Patrick and Ann are worship evangelists and continue to establish a strong presence of Christ and a community of believers in the southern area of Africa. Their commitment to Christ is unwavering and their past experiences are evidence of their love for Christ. Earlier in their ministry, Patrick and Ann were held at gun point by thieves within their own homes. By God’s mercy and favor, Patrick and Ann were protected by divine intervention. Today, the persecution in southern Africa and Pretoria is intense and dangerous for those who lead others to Christ.

Daily Worship & Communion Live @ 6 a.m.

Worship & Evangelism in Pretoria

Church Planting & Mission Hub


Our beloved brother and friend Jay Bennett, founder of Global Strategy Corps, has served Christ for nearly 3 decades on the mission field. This man is truly anointed with the Holy Spirit. He has traveled to India for over 2 decades. In recent years, the Lord has giving Jay opportunities to travel to nations in Europe. Jay is a prophetic prayer strategist and evangelist and has led teams around the world for Christ . Jay has traveled to some of the darkest places on earth led by the Holy Spirit to release prayer strategies from heaven. Jay’s upcoming travel plans are as follows:

Europe  (September 15 – 25)

Poland (Date In Process.)

 Switzerland  (August 22 – Sept 2)


WORLD OUTREACH reaches North American and around the world with the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Billy Burke, healing evangelist in Tampa Florida, was miraculously healed by the ministry of the Holy Spirit through Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry. Pastor Billy was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at the age of 9. Billy’s My grandmother and mother introduced me to Kathryn Kuhlman. With just days to live due to terminal illness, his grandmother planted a seed of faith and told me, “Kathryn will touch you and you will be healed!” Pastor Billy and Fireside partnered together to host 4 healing and miracle services. The last 3 events had a combined attendance of over 1400 people with hundreds of healing testimonies by the Holy Spirit.

MARIO MURILLO of Mario Murillo Ministries is a firebrand for revival and awakening. He is an anointed evangelist. Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco.  After being revolutionized by Christ, he started his ministry as a student at University of California at Berkeley where he began to see healings and miracles among the students. Since then Mario’s voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society.